Ahad, 10 Januari 2010

Emperor United - New Year 2010 (walaupun lambat sikit)

hii.. i hope it wasnt too late to say happy new year 2010 to all. well, its been a while we havent update our blog.. and now here it goes. last week, 02/01/10, kami ada buat some bbq. for new year and for aku dapat work with the government.. 'Alhamdulillah"... so, we did some photoshoot since kami awal abis makan and still got time for it.. hehe...

waff, maman, watt, mimit. the main stars of emperor united

Emperor United..

Emperor United's winger; WATT HASSAN

Another Emperor United's Winger and Captain plus 2009 top scorer with 102 goals; WAFF MOHAREFANDI

FAIZUL RIDHUAN, Emperor United's starlet..

ZULFADLI MAHADI, Emperor United's Defender..

Emperor United's Key Player, MAMAN HASSAN..

Emperor United's defender and also new Goalkeeper, DZULHILMI MOHAREFANDI

AZIZ EFFANDY HJ MD TAHIR, Emperor United's Architect and most senior player in the team..

SAUPIEY HASSAN, Emperor United's Attacker

Starlet in the middle

Nice Pose..

Also known as Emperor United's TWIN

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