Jumaat, 21 Ogos 2009

Breaking News

Wafee has reached to 70 goals this year and decided to retire from being a striker. Now he want to focus to be emperor united’s long-term goalkeeper and which means Saupieeyy; emperor united’s current goalkeeper whose in recovering from his broken hand will become Emperor United’s winger to replace Wafee’s position.

So, Wafee welcome back to your old position that you left for about FIVE YEARS AGO. But at the tournament that was held at UBD last three weeks, he did well. When Emperor United against Qlap Fc (who won with a big goal gap against 3 teams before Emperor United), Qlap Fc failed to win against Emperor United and the striker failed to beat Wafee with a five-time one-on-one.
That shows how he still got the goalkeeping spirit and the way he keep the goal clean and did made the Qlap Fc’s striker gone mad.

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